How to know if a girl likes you
Knowing when a woman likes you is a question Men have struggled with since the beginning of civilized time. Since indicators of interest often are unspoken in the courtship process. It is up to men to develop their own intuitive sense and dial into the female attraction broadcast channel.
Women usually have one up in this department. As some women start early in this process by reading teen magazines with articles about “10 signs that he likes you”. Along with the fact women are encouraged to socialize and share feelings and thoughts with others from an early age. Discussing issues about the opposite sex in greater detail. Giving a stronger network to exchange this information between women.
End of the day knowing when a woman likes you is a social skill that requires intuition and calibration. As the signals can be different from every women. However there are some guidelines and things you can look for.
Men tend to operate a little more like an on/off switch when it comes to attraction. Usually for men a high degree is based on visual attraction and looks. Men seem to have a greater agreeability where a woman stands on the attraction scale. Whether she can sometimes be rated on a scale, such as being called a 7 or a 10. Typically when the mans romantic interest switch is turned on, it remains on if she maintains the same level of physical attraction.
While looks do initially matter to women, in the long run they tend to be more attracted to a mans Character. So other factors come into stronger influence such as social status, intelligence and humour. In general a womans romantic interest level operate more like a dial that raises in scale. Which is why she can seem very be interested in you at the bar. Next day reality might hit where she has to deal with the real world. Thereafter may not be returning your calls after that initial meeting. Which is puzzling to most men since she seemed so “on” the night before. We are thinking of things in terms of how men think with their on/off switch. Whereas for women that Dial needs to be maintained.
There are a couple major divider you need to keep in mind when determining indicators of interest. The first is who they are versus where you met them.
Let’s discuss be cognizant of who they are first. Keep in mind there are extroverts and introverts out there in this world. Generally most people tend to get more extroverted as they get older. As the introvert manages and learns to get along better with the outside world. Considering that extroversion is often a praised trait in society. So this classification becomes less obvious with adults. Its a given that a shy girl will be less demonstrative in her indicators of interest. Making her more difficult to read at times.
Also culturally where they are from makes a big difference. As Asian women particularly can be lean toward the shyer side of not being demonstrative. Particularly when accounting for being physically demonstrative as an indicator of interest. As Asian cultures there can be more conservative in their demonstration of things like public displays of affection. However the longer they have spent in Western culture this may reduce somewhat. Although the original cultural upbringing can have a strong influence.
The other important context to consider is where you met. If you met at a work or a business networking event. Be certain that there will be more formality with this. And there will be less indicators of interest, at least in the sense of physicality.
At the bar usually there is a greater sense of forwardness. Both in displaying indicators of interest and indicators of DISINTEREST. Women are used to brushing off guys whom they are not interested in. Along with the factor that the club or bar and its aggressive nature brings out more of a forward response to people. Alchohol usually helps in this level of directness because inhibitions are lowered. It is also more socially more acceptable in those clubs / bars to be more flirtateous or be physical with someone.
One of the best ways to get an indicator of interest at a bar is to NOT give your name upon your introduction. Usually your name is irrelevant at the beginning of a social interaction anyways. As the woman is taking her time to evaluate if she likes you along with other factors. After you have been talking for a few minutes, chances are if she ask your name that is an indicator of interest. As she now has a bit more information who you are. Now is ready to know more about you and wants to store that information by associating it with a name. Most of the time when men give out their name initially, they do so because they are not so sure what else to say.
Another classic indicator of interest is if she touches you. Particularly when she is talking to you by putting her hand on your arm. This is particular good indication.
A indicator of interest is the woman maybe playing with her hair when talking to you. This is often an unconscious form of interest women do when talking to a man. Means they are preening themselves to look more attractive. Playing with ones hair can also be a sign of some nervousness or romantic tension.
Eye contact is also often underated. This can vary depending on how extroverted the woman is. But extroverted girls will tend to make strong eye contact. Whereas introverted girls whom are interest might actually have trouble making eye contact. Since they are not able to handle the level of sexual tension.
End of the day you never really know when a woman truly likes you. Also interest levels vary on a scale for women. Where for men it is more of an on and off switch. So while guidelines help, you always have to use your own intuition to find out where you stand.